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Direct Dumpsters Garbage Bin Delivery


Questions & Answers

How big will my dumpster be?
Depends on what you need. Your consultant will help you to determine the best size based on your needs.
What waste material can I load into the dumpster?
Direct Dumpsters will dispose of most non-hazardous materials such as construction, demolition or renovation debris (roofing, siding, drywall), yard trimmings, green waste, household junk, appliances, furniture, scrap metal and any odds and ends.
Are there items that you will not take?
There are some materials that we cannot take. These include hazardous materials such as chemicals, gasoline, oils, solvents, car batteries, asbestos, propane tanks, or any type of toxic or biological waste. In addition, soil, sod, rock and concrete are also restricted materials.
Not Allowed Items
How much can you take?
Our trucks have the capacity to carry up to 4 tons of material. Of course, we can make arrangements to ensure all your needs are met.
How high can I load the bin?
We ask that you load your materials only to the top of the wall edge. If overloading occurs, additional charges may be assessed, as per our rental contract. If the materials are loaded to an unsafe level, the bin will be unloaded accordingly in order to ensure safety.
What does a dumpster rental cost?
This will depend on the location and size of the dumpster rental you require. The price is normally based on the size of bin that you rent, although there may be some exceptions depending on the items you want to get rid of. Please contact us for a detailed assessment and a no-obligation quote. Click here for a quote.
How do I pay for a dumpster rental?
Upon delivery of the bin, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit, e-transfer or Cash.
How soon will the dumpster be delivered?
While Direct Dumpsters always tries for same day delivery, bins are available on a first come first serve basis. We will hold a bin for a specific date within a reasonable time frame.
Why is it important to order a garbage container from a licensed and insured waste management service provider?
To ensure that the job is priced fairly and your property is protected and to ensure that waste is disposed of correctly, adhering to local bylaws and to avoid liability. As an added bonus, we at Direct Dumpsters are proud of the fact that we are environmentally responsible and have experienced operators.
What happens if I need the bin for a longer period of time than I originally thought?
Direct Dumpsters prides ourselves on customer service, and will do our best to accommodate you.
Can I move the bin?
No. Moving the bin without the proper equipment may result in damaging the dumpster, for which you would be responsible. However we will gladly move the bin for you if it is required for an additional fee. Move Bin
What are your hours?
We are available for consultation 7 days a week. Please call us at 780-922-0618 or fill out our contact form and we will respond to you as soon as possible.